
megacollab for the silkenwood sleepover event in june 2023. We had 3 days to make a full finished song. most people did solo tracks or small collabs, but i was involved in a much larger collab. This project was how i met a lot of my close online friends, it was so much fun. I primarily played the role as the project file manager for the majority of the time, except for a few hours when i had to go into nyc for a conference, during which boxkitty took over. we also did a fun little transition from another parallel megacollab track by a group called the wifi waiters, which you can hear here.


SILKENWOOD ยท APM - Coalition


Glyphli, boxkitty, mleuc, lukasipo, AO, myself, prox.bleep, Ry3, juha, Bleizik, Thorjn