free improv i did with some friends. here's the description Miriam wrote:
Invention for Tub (2024)
by mres, commissioned for Tub ensemble
Performed by Tub ensemble, Sunday, November 10th, 2024, ~2:15 am
Tub, sm57s, clapping, mouths, alto saxophone, accordion, piano, vocals, melodica, shouting, guitar, violin, pitch pipe, kazoo, mallets, paper, peanuts, maraca, sticks, triangle, triangle beater, styrofoam worm, music stand, and five musicians
On the morning of November 9, 2024, Robin Gillespie, Indigo Brandstein, Sarai Juarez, Rosalie Coleman, and Miriam Evans-Sachs descended into the TIMARA basement for a 24 hour Compose-A-Thon, courtesy of Tom Lopez’s studio class. On the Eastern Bibbins staircase, we passed the big metal tub, and immediately knew what would have to happen at 2 am that night. After 14 hours of toiling on other projects and becoming more and more delirious, Miriam wrote a score for an improvised piece for the soon-to-exist Tub ensemble. At 2 am, the five of us gathered in Studio 2, and set to playing. After 18 minutes of improvisation, 30 minutes cleaning up, and an hour of editing, we had invention for Tub. We hope you enjoy.
With love,
Tub ensemble