
this was my first EP. I remember making most of this during the summer of 2020. Because it was so long I don't remember a lot of the details, unfortunately. But i'll write out what i can recall.
For a lot of these songs, I was learning how sound design worked. I think my track 'compulsion' was my first time using xfer serum for anything, but this EP was my first time using it for more diverse applications. I remember discovering a lot of things about bass design specifically, because serum sort of gravitates towards those types of sounds imo.
A few of the songs were collabs, and I dont think i credited the collaborators very well. Especially for the tracks 'Moss in Solitude' and 'MPAA Certified' (derranged track titles btw). These two tracks were started as a part of a summer music camp, and I collaborated a bit with some other participants in the camp. We were all assigned to groups of three, and all had to make a song together. I think I was 14 at this point, and was not good at collaborating with people. I didn't know how to make resonable compromises or how to include other people, especially when those other people didn't share my same "creative vision" or whatever. There were two people in the group, but I only ended up crediting one of the people because my idiot 14-year-old brain didn't feel like the other people didn't have enough influence on the song to credit them. i think I was also the youngest by far in the camp, so retrospectively the social dynamic was probably really uncomfortable. Anyways that's kind of not important. I'm in school right now writing this; there's only one day left before sumer break starts and then I go to college which i'm excited for. FUCK this is the page for luminance EP ok focus. the two people besides myself in the group were Ryan Wheless and w1tcheyes The two other collabs, 'Mustard Stain' and 'AKM 320 and Falling' (once again, insane track titles) were collabs with retroreeboot and cranque respectively. These two tracks were made for a challenge in a discord server I was active in at the time, and were more reasonable collaborative experiences. Still, both were a little bit rough because even though at this point both collaborators were around the same skill level, neither of us really knew how to effectively write music with another person. But at least i credited them i think.
I remember not being very happy with this music when I released it because my Ear had devoloped a bit by the end of the writing process and was able to hear issues that I didn't pick up on when i started the tracks (iirc).
dude i have no idea why i'm writing so much for this. I'm procrastonating writing my final research report thingy which'll take like 10 minutes . hi


Popbot ยท Luminance - Ft. Cranque, Ryan Wheless, and RetroReboot