
i'm condencing all of my old soundcloud uploads (before my first EP) into this page because they're all singles and would take up too much space on the home page. I'm super glad that I uploaded all of my music since I first started using ableton because it's really inspiring to sometimes go back and listen to stuff I made and compare it to what I make now.

i think there used to be more a couple years ago but i may have deleted a few. not sure why. they're probably still on my computer somewhere, but not on the internet. Anyways, I'll list off the tracks in chronological order and IF I remember anything about them I'll provide a description.

also, i suggest reading some of the descriptions that I wrote under the soundcloud tracks when i was younger. they are insane. reading what i wrote when i was 11 - 12 is an experience.

aa -
bam power - not the first track i made ever, but the first track i uploaded to soundcloud. heist -
moon wind - the third track i made ever. not sure why its the third on soundcloud. I actually did a screen recording of the project file. You can listen to my pre-pubescent voice here
astroid - I made this at my grandparents house. i think i remember being happy with the chord sound
falling -
generations -
boerd in math - first time trying cover art.
perpetual energy -
prime - i was addicted to warframe when making this and used a bunch of voice lines i found in the files
CyberHarbor - i made this with my friend when he was over when the power was out. but i'm not sure why i remember that because how could i have made it if the power was out?
wubber -
mauve - i recorded myself playing marimba for this
Drummphuner! -
s p o o k u l a r -
stranular -
breulaion -
blaed - first time trying to make teh kind of bass music i liked to listen to. i was super proud of this at the time but it's become a little bit of a joke among a couple friends of mine as being really terrible.
null.mp3 -
clean -
max - the first thing i made after getting the full version of ableton. up until this track,i had been using the 16-track version. Now once i had infinite tracks things opened up for me and i was able to refine my stile a lot more. After this track is when you can sort of start hearing my style start manifesting
sol - when i discovered the joys of layering
darker -
for loop - made for a sample challenge in a discord serve. i was very very proud of this, and ended up doing a VIP of it a year later.
Compulsion - psytrance for some reason. this was where i learned serum, and started discovering sound design.

after this point, I released my first EP, and everything else is on my homepage because the music seems listenable enough to be there.

Popbot ยท old soundcloud stuff