
Simulated microcosm was a project that i started after messing around with some basic waveguide stuff in gen. I ended up falling in love with the super simple but still "real" sounds that i was able to create with physical modelling. I also wanted to experiment with writing off the grid, and given how "alive" physically modelled sounds tend to be, I thought it would be neat to try and make some music that sounded like an ecology of organisms conveyed through the super simple sounds that i had been enjoying. Not specifically ones made with waveguides-- just simple sounds in general.
Buoyant was the first track I made for it, everything else came after. I intended to have the EP last at least 10 - 15 minutes, but obv that didn't happen because i got bored of the style super quickly, and as such found it difficult to stay motivated. Material like this (for me) requires an insane level of focus and time, which is really difficult to sustain for longer periods of time. I almost burnt myself out towards the end, and have just now sorta gotten out of it.
I streamed a massive portion of the progress on the EP on youtube (probably at least 70% if not more), so if you're wondering more about the specifics of what went into the project you could check out one of the streams. There are also a few streams where i'm working on tracks i decided not to include in the EP because they didn't fit or because i didn't like them. check out the playlist here.


Popbot ยท Simulated Microcosm


Amfivolia for the artwork
all my awesome friends who helped me out with stuff and gave feedback, etc
napz for helping me to solidify my vision for the project
Jack hamill and _______ for initially teaching me about waveguides and processing in gen