Welkome To My Blog!

hello,______ my web name is Popbot1. This is my "Alost Weekly Blog". I hope you have a great time reading!

Day #1:Aug 15th 2015

Hello,guys! This is my blog! And if you know what a blog is,you shoud know what I'm about to do next!My dad says that the plan is to let him do his work(sarcasm)! My sister is going for a play date with her friend! At the park behind our house (now thats a hint!) And I'm progaming this with html!And that's about it!

Day #2:Aug 16th 2015

Hello, guys. It's me again!:) Theirs nothing going on today exept that I have to pratice piano and drums, do my reading and math and do ipad/computer .My sister has to pratice violyn, read, and posbly do some math. She'll watch a movie instead.Witch isn't as fun.And just so you know... tomorow will be...

much more interesting!!

Day #3:Aug 17th 2015

Hey! I had swimming lessons today! The water was cold but I didn't care! It was still very fun! And it started at 8 o'cloc...a.m.! Then we got home and went board because mom wouldn't let me do computer :( :( :(.then we went shoping and that leads up to now! It's about 80 degrease today so all the fans are on.Ugh.

Day #4:Aug 20th 2015

Hey! I had swimming today. My friend came over for a voice lesson with my mom. We were doing testing today in swimming. We had to do 4 laps! ugh. We're doing the same thing tomorrow, but they are testing us on different things, so I don't know what to expect. Sorry I didn't do my blog yesterday and the day before. I just didn't have enough time. Yesterday we just had a game day. We did pictionary, which was my sister's choice, and Monopoly, which was my choice. We didn't finish Monopoly because I was too pouty. The day before, I went over to my friend's house and went in their pool with a bunch of other people. Thanks for reading my blog. Bye!

Day #5:Aug 22st 2015

Hey guys! Today was a rilly exiting day! I got 5th place or some thing in a 1/4m race! After the race, Mom did a 4m race. She got 1st place in the age 35-39 girls divison! She didn't expect that! After that, I went on a bounscy house with a rilly steep slide and some annoying kids. I got 2 burns. Ugh. Then I got a cherry snow cone.It was gross. Then we came home and I read Harry Potter Part 5. I read 2 chapters. Then we went to Jhon Harberts;I ate half a chicken pot pie then we came home and I did this! Pretty fun day don't ya' think?

Day #6: August 23, 2015

Hey! There's not much going on today except that my sister has a violin concert at a coffee shop. But I thought that since there's not much going on today, I could tell you about the great summer I had this year (2015). So, first I had this awesome tennis camp at the ________ high school. Then I went to the Kidoyo camp that tought me how to do Html !So if it wasn't for that camp,you wouldn't be reading this! Then my Aunt Kathy who is a famous vegan food blogger came to visit us. We went to the beach and did other stuff. Kathy took us to the city and took my sister to the American Girl Doll store (ugh). Then we went to the lego store and I got a third of a set for free from the store manager, and I did pick-a-brick. Then, Kathy took us to a musical called Wicked at Broadway. It was my first musical. And while we were there, we saw a famous a cappella group called Pentatonix. Two of the members were in the audience! The musical was pretty good. I also did swimming lessons that week. The next week, there was nothing going on, but out of the ordinary, I tried to jump onto a rock, and I ended up getting 3 stitches in my shin. Ugh! The next week, we went on an awesome camping trip in Maine (with my stitches!) We went swimming in the lake next to our campsite a lot. Then, we hiked to the summit of a mountain called Bald Mountain. Then we went to a hike called Angel Falls. I hated it at first, but then I liked it! Then we went to a place called Smalls Falls, and I played in the water, and I also slid down a mini waterfall for fun! Also, we got $37 worth of pastries. And we ate lots of pizza and ice cream and roasted marshmellows. Then we came home from camping and we had a few weeks to ourselves. Then I did the Avalon camp. And I got a horrible scratch on my elbow and smashed my finger in the door and I got one more injury but I can't remember it. It was also incredibly fun. We even went to a salt marsh. I caught a few crabs but no fish.:( Then I did my second week of swimming lessons because I missed the second week when I hurt my shin. That leads up to now! I know that was a lot, but it was worth it.

Day #7 Sep 2nd, 2015

Hey guys! The first day of school was yesterday and it was great! I have a great teacher! He made us do a test that was like the test that porfessor Lockheart (the defence aganst the arts teacher) gave in his first class in the 2nd harry potter book. It was hilarious! Then we did the same thing but for us! Before that we spent some time organising our suplys. After that we went to art. Then after the test we went home! we did have lunch and snack at one point to. After I got home I begged to wach a Minecraft video and after that I exploded (not literally) ! Then we went to play tennis with my mom. Then we went home and I exploded again! (again, not literally) Then I went to have dinner and... I exploded ;)

Day #8 Sep 12th, 2015

Hello guys! the 2nd week of 4th grade was AWESOME!!! :) :) :) :) We couldn't go to gym or play outside but it was fun! We have 2 text books 5 folders and 4 notebooks. yesterday, we learned the Comutitive Property of Multi. This week's lunch was awesome too! Popcorn Chichen, Hotdogs!, Miny ravoily!! This week was AWESOME! :)

Day #9 9/22/15

Hello! It's me again! School is great! We haven't had any tests yet but we'll have one this Fri. for math. I've been talking too: C, R, and C R. C R. does lots of Potty humor and !#"}+ (curses) but he's still really nice! Today I did After Care. I HATED it!!! Sory I haveh't done "this" for a while. I just couldn't! so, thanks for reading! bye!

Day #10 9/23/15

Hey! __________ I hope you're having fun! Today me and my mom went for a bike ride wile my siter played on the play- ground. Me and mom talked and talked and talked... It was really fun! While we were riding/running, when we passed a certon spot, we smeled a tipe of mushroom that stinks! It's called the "Shameless Stinkhorn" (hence the name!). The Stinkhorn (click me!) They start from stubby things. See here I hope you liked it! Bye!

Day #11 9/28/15

Hello! Just me! Yesterday,(9/27/15) Their was an AWESOME... Lunar Eclipse, a Super Moon, a Blod Moon, and a moon tha was the 4th or a cluster of eclipses! There won't be a nother' one like it in I think 18 years! So, first, we went to the park and saw the Super moon. then I ate and played vidoe games. Then we drove to West Medow Beach. We got there and we walked had some water from the spring and claymed a bench. Then mom got a text from her friend saying "were here!" or something mom went to get them and I stayed with dad ... for about 45 mins. mom kame back with them and sence the Ecl ipse allready got going, I didn't have to wait any longer! Then, we talked and watched talked and watched. Then... the moon turded RED! But it was sutle! The last white sliver went away and THE MOON WAS RRREEEDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye!

Day #12 10/4/15

Hey guys! I hope you're having a good time! I have a little cold. I'm just a little sniffly though. School is fine. The spelling test was fine! I got a 96. Only because I made an "N" look like an "H" though. On Fri. I went over to C's house and C came over to mine! Him and me built Lego Minecraft Then played Minecraft then wached Minecraft. Then we went to a fancy reasturaunt and I got Chicken Pot Pie wile C got some Chicken Drumsticks. When we got to C's house, I explored his house then, we went down to the basement and I ameadeality got atratcted to the Pool tabel and we played Pool. When C got board,I still did it and that went on for a while. Then we watched TV and got boerd. The next ower was boerdom, boerdom then Pool. We went home and went to bed. The next day was compleat boerdom. Se ya' later bie!

Day #13 10/10/15

Hey guys! Today's my Granny's birthday! I sent her a email a few mins ago. To be honest, more like an hour. Two days ago, during math, our teacher used m and m's to teach place value and value. Yes, we did get to eat them :). A kid tried to steal one. He got it but he didn't get any more. Today I was Scratching and I checked my mail and one of my projects got a coment by "gamer_nine". A favrote and a like! The comet was "Cool". Not much but still a coment! I replyed and sayed "Wow Thanks! Thats my first coment! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)" I desoverered a new programing languidge. It's called Python. Go to this link to se my Python. Also the project that got commented on. Scrol on left to se more website an left to see Python. --> See here. So thanks for reading! Bye!

Day #14 10/23/15

Today my Granny and my Grandpaw are over at my house! Grandpaw is playing paino. He is REALLY good. I can play paino pretty good but he's REALLY good! Grandpaw has a site too. I wish I could find lhe link. I think it's something like "LarkOwl.net" but I'm not sure. With granny, we went to the park and played around the world with the basket ball. We then coleckeg pretty leavs. As you can see, it's fall. Grandpaw's probably going to take pictures of them. My sister has a new obsesion with a game called "Little Alchmey". You experement with diffrent elements and mix them together. Here's the link: Little Alchmey. I gave you a little head start. so thanks for reading! Bye!

Day #15 11/6/15

Sory thai I haven't been updating my blog. I've been up to stuff. like paino, sax, drums, YouTube, and school. Today this morning my sister saw a Red Taled Hawk! Then another flew onto the same branch that the other hawk was on! then the 1st hawk flew down to catch a mouse. It caught the mouse and flew up to a lower branch and started eating it's mangled mouse! We also saw a hawk t the lamp post a school. We were in the play ground with the other clases. I gave mom a logic problem yesterday. You can try to solv it if you want. Here it is:

Larry said "I know! lets play a lie game! Who ever says the best lie wins!" "Okay" Sayed Bob. "I go first." sayes Bob "I have a cat" Is Bob saying a lie or telling the truth?

So thanks for reading and solving! Bye!

Day #16 11/9/15

Hello guys! Today was all normal at school and home! My friend (N.T.) told me to do a blog entry, so here it is! Yesterday, my sister had a violin recidle at a cafe in Port. Jeff.It was awesome! We looked for and didn't find a carnavel at the Smith-Haven Mall and we went home! When we got home, we made Babycakes and had a pooled pork dinner. Then we watcheh Harry Potter #3. On the day before that, Ihad a drum lesson, then sung in a canon in my sister's music class. Then, I was drumming on some S.B.U. trash cans and these teenagers started drumming with me from a railing of a balkney! We took turnd drumming and stopped. That was really awesome. I then went over to my friend's house and played infection and regular tag. I also felt left out in the basement and lust silently built Legos. So I had some pretty good days! So on that note, see ya' lata'! Bye!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :0 :D :D :D

Day #17 11/22/15

I had a pretty exiting weekend!!! So, on Sat. I went to sortove a music festival. I did three workshops: A chorus, an 'improv workshop ,and a folk dance. The folk dance was my favrote. We did three dances: Rural Felicity, Lucky 7, and Sasha! My least favrote was the chorus. I'm not 'gona tell you about it because it makes me barf (and because I just don't feal like it). Then we went to a volly ball match. We saw two sets. The first set __________ won 25 to 17. The seckond set __________ won 25 to 20. But this morning, I herd that __________ lost the championships. DARN DARN DARN DARN DDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today, I went over to CJC's house for like 2 hours and a half! We talked, CJC showed me his lego builds, played poker, talked some more, wrestled on his trampolien, talked, played Apples To Apples, played pool (the table kind!), played darts, played sock wars/darts, played drums, said goodbye, and left. I had a really good tine this weekend. Hope you did to! Bye! :) :) ;) :) :) :D :D :D :D :D ;) :D

Day #18 12/5/15

Hello guys!!!!!! Sory I haven't been updating my blog. I had school, other stuff, and i just basicly just forgot about it! A new book is coming out soon on my page with all my creations. It's frequently updated! I just went to an FLL pratcice. It went well. Sortove! We got there, and I started shivering because it was so cotd OUT there! Then we got inside and all my friends formed a line and we jamed ourselvs inbetween two warm out of order vending machines. Then, we went to the gym and set up our station. We had three Lego robots, Legos, and a computer. Our team talked and we got called over for our first turnement. Two member s went up at the table and ran the robot. We got crushed. We only compleated one easy mision and the people porgot to run the 2nd program. we went back to the set up and talked for a minute then we went to a pratcice area and practiced twice. We then went back to the main area and had the 2nd turment. we did beter but we still did prety bad! :( We did that same thing again and then had lunch. I got a hot dog. then we did our last turnament and I was up I did beter then the last time but as alwayse, still did prreeeety baaad. Then we went home and I started writing my blog! Bye!

Day #19 12/18/15

Hello evrybody! I'm at school right now! So cool! It's recess at the moment. NT came over to my house yesterday. It was soooooo fun! NT is playing Bloxorz (a video game) He's on level four. This is the game. It's a very hard game. I just helped him. I also just got a notice that says I have a band lesson on Mon. I play the Alto Sax. I have like 50 belts. belts are something I get when I play a song. Recess ended so bye!

Day #TWENTY!!!! 1/18/SISTEEN

Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't written my blog in a while. I suprisingly forgot about it. So HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERY BODY! IT'S 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't see the ball drop, but I stayed at my friend's house until midnight! I think that that's much more fun then standing with a bunch of 21 year olds being as loud as they possibly can! Yesterday I did go to Manhatten Island to go to a baby shower for my FIRST COUSIN! YAY! After the shower, we walked 20 blocks to the Roosevelt Island Tram. It was snowing, and I was really cold. The tram was fun. It only took about 3 minutes. But it was still fun. It wobbled a little bit in the wind, but I was fine. When we got to the island, I watched the gears of the tram turning. It was cool! Then we went to this pizza restaurant. It was probably the worst pizza restaurant in the whole city! I got chicken parm pizza. It wasn't that good. But afterwards I went to Starbucks and got a hot chocolate. When we were exiting Startbucks, I spilled the amazing hot chocolate on my coat! Ugh! We walked back to the tram and I discovered I was nauseous. We got back on the tram, and about five minutes after the tram ride was over, I felt better. Then we got into the car and followed Siri's directions to my uncle's apartment in Brooklyn. The directions that we followed, in the snow, in the dark, took us through this really, sort of, abandoned warehousy kind of area. It was sort of creepy. Then we got to my uncle's apartment. We spend about an hour there. During that hour, my uncle showed me some cool art projects he made, and I also played ipad. We also talked a lot. So we drove home, I fell asleep, and about 12 hours later I woke up. Then about 3 hours later, I went to this cool art program. We made an abstract face with pastels and water colors. Then we made 3 dimensional shapes with paper and flourescent markers. I combined 2 pyramids to make this cool, kind of, pyramidy thing. It was fun! So then about 6 hours later, I watched a Nova, and then started writing this! Bye!

Day #21 2/2716

So over the Feb. break, we went to the beach. Yes. I know. WIERD! We climbed the light house at Robert Moses and we met the person that works in the light house. She was really nice and she answered allot of questions. Then, we went to the beach and I found the biggest pile of sea fome ever. I put my feet in it and I said "Hey! Look! Theres fome on my feet!" Then we welked a little firther and i found a MOUNTIAN of sea fome. It was like 2 feet tall! I litearlly swam in it! So then I got compleatly ffffffrrrrrreeeeeezzzzziiinnnngggg.....!!!! Then we went back to the car and learned about exploding ballons that the Japanese tried to cause terror for revenge. About 6,7,8 days later, I went to somthing called Day Of Percussion. First, we went to a Gamelan (translation: orchestra) performance. There were lots of weird foreign xylophone thingies. They played lots of really really cool music. It was mostly minor and it was really syncopated. It was also layered music. When the four songs were done, they let us play with the instruments. I decided that I didn't want to then I wanted to then I didn't want to then I wanted to. I started with the two gigantic gongs. It's really satisfying to hit them. Just smack it! Then I went to one of the smaller weird xylophone thingies. I checked out the scale, and then decided I was a little bit embarrassed so I stopped. Then I tried to get my hands on the cool bells, but they were already un-setting up, if you know what I mean. So then, we ate dinner -- it was after school. I got a slice of cheese pizza, some water, and, best of all, some starbursts. When we finished dinner, we went to a master class. The guy leading the class was the guy who plays the drums in the Spongebob theme song. I thought that was pretty funny. He taught us mostly about polyrhythms (look it up!) and "if you don't like a type of music you still have to play it anyway!" He was a really fun guy (he was a mushroom -- get it, "fungi"). After the master class, we finally got to do our tiny performance. The tempo was too slow for me, so it was basically a big "FAIL in caps." So after that, we listened to some really cool other performances, and most of them were really cool. My favorite one was called "Desert Race." I could really envision how it was actually racing in the desert. It was mostly xylophones and I think it was in minor. During all the performances, I won three raffles! In the first one, I got drum sticks and a drum key. In the second one, I got a drum head and a drum key! In the third one, I got a timpani book and a drum key! I'm rich!!! So thanks for taking so much time reading this gigantic paragraph, more like a blob. So thanks!

Day #22 3/29/16

Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't done an entry in a while. Just too much on my mind. I did a science fair project ant got third place out of the huntred or so fourth graders. I also am working on a nonficxtion book about the liver. My book is called "Like The Liver" Right now, my really nice grandmaw (on my mom's side) is over at my house and I'm helping her style her website (colors, lines, text size, etc.). She thinks I'm going To help her make more money with the adds looking better in the spoth they're in. She's sirious! So thanks for reading! Bye!

Day #23 5/1/16

Hello! I'm back after a lot to school and forgetfulness. I know that that was spelled rong. My nonfiction book about the liver is published but it isn't on my site yet because it is still at school. Right now I'm listeningto some Minecraft songs. the're by a person who is honestly crazy. His YouTube name is Kurtjmac. His ultamate goal in minecraft is to reach something called the far lands Enough about Minecraft. Send me an email about how yon're doing. I'd love to know. I'm doing really well. Except for the fact that I was sick fo like five days. I got a little too much screen time while I was sick in bed. :() It wasn't fun. So I think That I ranout of things to ocupy you with so I'm going to let ya' go here. Bye!

Day #24 5/22/16

Hello! Long time no see! If you've been wanting a blog post lately, you've got one! (I think I'd be good at advratising). I haven't been doing much lately. motly minecraft servers (without the forum! I promise). There were two school concerts that I was in. Chorus and band. I don't have the recordings though. In band I playED the sax. Mom says that I have rreeaallyyyy good tone. For the past two weeks, I've been waking up at 5:30am to ride my bike with mom around the naborhood it's reeeely fun. Email me if you want to reply or anything. sorry this one was so short. Everything I've been doing lately is school and computer. That's why. So I hope you have a nice day! (SOOOOO CHEEZY!) Bieeeeeeee!

Day #25 6/8/16

Hello! This is going to ge pretty brief so don't get comfey. I just want to say thanks for reading all of my blog posts. (If you haven't, please do!) School ends in 2 1/4 weeks! I'm havng my friend CR over tomorrow. I'm søøooôoöoòóoœoœoōoõoooooooo excited! So byeeee!

Right now is my site's first aneversery! I'm at kidoyo summer camp at the first day. I'm using my mom's computer

Day #26 9/3/16

This is giong to be a blog post about what I did this summer. So, first, I did a tennis program. It was fun! Then, Durring CJG's birthday, we went horse back riding. Afterwards, We stopped by a McDonnalds and we nocked on the bathroom door. This loco lady said "I'M GOING TO THE BATHROOM! This is redulous" then, I said "YOU'RE REDICLUS!" Then, I did a little music camp. I got to play a concert afterwards. Then, we went camping for a whole week! With my grandmaw! We climbed a mountian and went river rafting. I almost broke half the bones in my body beecause I fell out of my inner tube. It WAS NOT fun. But it was. In the lake at the campsite, Me and mom went night swimming almost every night. It was so fun and relaxing. Also, mom SKINNYDIPPED! When we got back from camping, I went to kidOYO It was awesome! I learned how to do scratch, python, and other awesome things. It was my second year. I also got to play on a minecraft server that was hosted by the mentor of kidoyo. That WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too many exclamation marks. Then, I hung out with my grandmaw. Then, I went to Avalon summer camp. It was pretty cool. And then, I did a swimming program at the holtville pool. The pool was warm and the teachers were nice. Then, I stayed home for the rest of the summer and went to school (5th grade!) on 3/6/16. I hade a great summer!

Day #27 11/10/16

Hello! This is popbot1 again! So Sorry I haven't updated it. Butt, Donald Rump won the 2016 election. I think he's gonna bomb Russia. Butt whateves! Who cares! (Me) I've been playng terraria allot latley and I have done some cool stuff. I'm not gonna tell all, but I got the Reaver shark.. WHOOOOOO! My school career is also going pretty well. My teacher is nice and the kids are also nice. Especally My friends TF, NS, and CR. I didn't use their real names because of internet safty. But those are their annitails. (shhhhhhh! Don't tel!) I hate the caps lock key on this computer. SOOOOOO annoying. My grandmother is over at my house on long island and I got up at 5:30. I'm NOT tired!My homework is very tiring. Even though I don't have very much, It takes a really long time. Butt I survive. I'm also playing on this cool Minecraft server. I get to build levels for other players to play. I'm working on a puzzle map called the spawning. It's really cool. So, thanks for reading and GOOD BIÉĖ! (if CR is reading this, then..........

DAPOOP! Thanks!)

Day #28 4/10/17. Yes, I know. I haven't updaten in seven months. Sorry.

HELLO!!! I'm back! So, here's a little update on my progress as a person. First of all, my birtday is in four days! I'm probably getting some games on the TV. I started reading a new series called "PENDRAGON". It is not about the king. There are 10 books in the series, and I'm half way through the ninth. I read a lot. I have been learning a little javascript, but it's just a little. I learned a new tag, wich enables this:

Cool, right! I also learned about the two javascript functions called document.write, and variables. For example, the bold number is the document.write function, and the expression is the variables. Look in the source code to understand.
a+b+c =1+2+3

Today, we went to the beach. First, we climed the lighthouse. I was scared that I would fall down... and


But I didn't!

After that, we walked on the beach. I took my shoes off and went in the water. That was a mistake. It was FREEZING! After that, I dug a hole. Then sat in it. I felt good. I then found some sand crabs, then started walking to the car. While we were walking, mom saw some sea shells and collested them. While she was doing that, I dug more holes. Then, we started walking again. When we got to the car, we started driving, and while were driving, we saw a RED FOX, and a deer. Oh, and another thing that happened while we were walking, we saw a pair of piping plovers. PIPING PLOVERS ON THE ENDANGERED LIST!! So, that sums up my day so far. Have a nice day! Oh, and here is a link to the javascript I learned. Click