
cool people

friends of mine who make awesome things that you may not have heard of and should observe because it will likely improve your life. a lot of my music has been heavily inspired by theirs.

she makes very highly detailed and enormously organic music. She has a very synesthetic way of conceptualizing sound, which i think is extremely evident in her work. As i'm writing this, she's mostly worked on microcomposition stuff (associated with e-veryday). check out her work here

i percieve her work as being very deep, powerful, and vivid. she has incredible control over texture and space. she also does dsp stuff. check out her work here

its difficult to describe lukas' music for me. it's awesome and fucked and feels like it was made in collaboration with some non-human intelligence. Completely unlike anything else. lukasipo. check out his work here

emily generally makes incredibly fucked bass "music". listening to her music is like being drowned in wet-- but quickly drying-- cement. she also does dsp stuff, including a few incredibly creative and fucked plugins. check out her music here and her software stuff here

juha makes very textural and motion-based music. it's difficult to find adjectives that can accurately sum up what he makes, so i'm not gonna try for fear of improperly representing it. check out his work here

insanely talented multidisciplinary artist. he is brilliant at conveying stories, enviornments, and ecologies within his work. check his stuff out here