
For the sake of my own sanity, I dont think I want to organize the links on this page in a detailed way. I was considering labeling items with the date, type, description, or something like that. Although more readable/accessable, this probably would be more difficult to maintain, especially if I decided to implement a more granular and less objective categoration system, which isn't completely future-proof.
So, instead of using an exhaustive labelling system, each one of these links will navigate to a page containing relevant information. This could be a description, some files, more links, idk. I'm trying to design the layout of this website so that I can easily expand upon it if needed, and this feels like the most intuitive method for me specifically.
As i'm writing this now, I'm realizing that having my momentary yapping at the top of a webpage meant to last me a while probably isn't a great idea. so this whole thing might be tucked under a link in the future. Not sure. That's Future Robin's problem.

I will try to add new items to the top of their respective category, but I can't guarantee that I have the correct chronology for projects that predate this website (which I first started on April 6th 2024).