
If you're interested in taking music lessons from me, that's great! At the current moment, I offer them.
It's difficult for me to say exactly what a lesson would include, because each person is different. It would be stupid of me to design a fixed "curriculum" for this reason. Whatever the case, I swear I'll try my best to convey information to the absolute best of my ability.
It is important to understand, though, that I don't want to present myself as somebody who can teach you anything. There are better alternatives, probably. But then again, no teacher would be able to teach you everything to begin with. So idk.

Anyways, if you would like to do lessons with me, you should contact me. I primarily use discord for communication, but email works too. You can find links to that on this website's home page. As for pricing, I much prefer to figure that out based on the specific situation. I would never offer anything above maybe $45 per hour, but beyond that it's all very highly dependant on both of our financial situations, as well as what you would be expecting me to provide. Unfortunately, money can be exchanged for goods and services, and I would be providing a service.

I have a number of tutorials and many hours of livetreams public on my youtube channel, which might be able to give you a somewhat kinda impression of how i generally convey information. but again, it's entirely dependent on who it is that i'd be giving lessons to.
again, if you want to get in touch with me about anything, please do! don't hesitate. links are on the homepage.