
when i was 11 years old I was enrolled in a week long summer coding camp through a universety near our house called KidOYO.
this coding camp was my first exposure to computer coding; I learned basic coding concepts through python javascript and scratch, as well as some basic html and css.
The camp had/has a sort of custom site builder thing where you can have a website on the oyosite domain using your own html code.
I recently found the website through google results, annd figured it would be cool if I shared it here.
Keep in mind, i made this when i was 11. the website's contents are the writings of a 11-year-old pre-pubescent preteen.
also, I want to mention that the 'team websites' button links to the websites of some other people that were in my group in the summer camp. I made the team hub website (with the green square that moves around) but everything else except for that home page and my own website I didn't make.
anyways, here it is: old website

Also, I'm adding this later, but i just found and even OLDER website I made. I did this coding camp for multiple years, so i must have started this page a few years before the one i linked above. I was 9 years old when I started this one (which explains that insane writing). This was before i was doing *anything* at all with music, which is insane to think about. I found the html for this page pasted in a google doc in my google drive because thankfully my parents thought to archive it incase it was lost (which it would have been if not for that). If you're prepared to read the scrawlings of a litteral 9-year-old (i was in 4th grade), click here